
Non-surgical treatments for osteoarthritis, rotator cuff, and shoulder labrum tears.


Your shoulder is made up of three bones connected by cartilage, ligaments, tendons, and muscles. When one component isn't working properly, it can create pain or dysfunction.

JointRenu® Shoulder treatments present great alternatives to shoulder surgery. Our non-surgical treatment procedures deliver targeted therapies that support your bodies natural healing response.

  • Conditions

    Shoulder Osteoarthritis Rotator Cuff Shoulder Labrum Tears Frozen Shoulder Shoulder Dislocation
  • Diagnostic

    Xray, MRI, Utrasound
  • Treatments
    Platelet Rich Plasma Bone Marrow Concentrate Protein Rich Plasma Concentrate Adipose Graft

Shoulder Pain
Shoulder Anatomy
Shoulder Exam
Shoulder Weight lifting

Other Conditions Treated

Evidence-based treatments provided by qualified physicians.