Torn Disc

Annular tears can lead to degenerative disc disease causing the disc to breakdown, increase pain, and limit mobility.

Torn Disc

Annular tears to the disc will often resolve on their own with rest and time. Unresolved, it can lead to degenerative disc disease and worsening back pain. If the symptoms or pain don't lesson or resolve themselves, there are effective non-surgical alternatives.

SpineRenu® treatments are precede by a comprehensive diagnosis of annular tear or compromised disc. Non-surgical treatment procedures targeted to the patient condition can help reduce back pain and improve function.

  • Symptoms

    Extended Back or Neck Pain Difficult to maintain standing or sitting position
  • Diagnostic

    MRI, Ultrasound, Discogram
  • Treatments
    Platelet Rich Plasma Bone Marrow Concentrate Protein Rich Plasma Concentrate Other

Annular Tear
Lower Back Pain
Surfing Couple
Surfing Woman

Other Conditions Treated

Evidence-based treatments provided by qualified physicians.